Medium Format
Medium format refers to the size of your roll of film (or if you’re talking digital, it’s the size of the camera sensor). It really just means that you are shooting on a bigger piece of film than you do with a 35mm camera. The increased size of medium format film means a much larger negative. This will give you finer details and less grain.
Choosing your Right Medium Format Camera
Twin Lens Reflex (TLRS)
TLRs use two objective lens of the same focal length. The photographic objective lens is the one that is used to take the picture. The other lens, called the view lens, is connected to the viewfinder. Most TLRs are fixed focal length, and the more expensive models may incorporate a rudimentary room function. Most TLRs use a leaf shutter system, resulting in high speeds, quiet operation and low shutter vibration. There are also close-up, wide angle and telephoto adapters for TLRs.
Some popular TLRS cameras are: Yashica MAT-124G, Rolleiflex 2.8F, Minolta Autocord and Mamiya C330

Rangefinder cameras are medium format cameras with a range finder. This negates the waistline, viewing that most TLRs carry. They are also much smaller than TLRs, and allow for easier point and shoot photographs. They tend to have limited focusing ranges, and do not have lenses larger than 180mm or 200mm. Rangefinders are quieter and easier to focus in dim light. They are mostly fixed lens models, but higher range models also provide for interchangeability.
Some popular rangefinder cameras are: Fujica G690, Mamiya 6/7, Bronica RF645, Norita 66 and Pentax 67
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Film Developing Chemicals
Developing film is nothing more than a series of chemicals. The only thing that varies is how long you leave the chemicals in the tank. Primarily these are some chemicals required to develop films: Developer, Stop Bath, Fixer and Photo-flo(optional). While the image has been captured on the film, it is not visible until the developer brings out the silver halides in the film. While the developer will bring out the image captured on the film, it will continue to develop the picture until it is stopped. This will ruin the film, and is what is referred to as overexposure. The photographic fixer is the final process in developing the film. The fixer "fixes" the image in place by removing the unexposed silver halides in the film.
Film Developing Tanks / Reels
People use developing tanks with special film reels to develop film rolls or sheets. After loading your film on the reel, you place it in a film developing tank with the chemistry mixture to develop. Most tanks have instructions for the proper amount of developing chemicals for specific film formats. The reel locks onto a center post, and chemicals mix consistently during the process to ensure the film gets a thorough coat. Using film developing tanks with darkroom print washers and dryers helps you develop your film from start to finish.
Mixing/Measuring Equipments
These mixing equipments are specially shaped for efficient stiring and the chemical mixer incorporates a particle crusher. It is invaluable when making up solutions either from liquid concentrates or from dry powdered chemicals or when you need the exact volume for measuring your chemicals.
It’s best to get your water to the right temperature before you prepare your chemistry. If your chemistry is warmer or cooler than it should be once mixed, just sit your jug in warm water to heat it up or cold water to cool it down. Thermometers are a great help in getting the perfect temperature to get you started on your film developing.
Negative Archival / Preservers
The safest - and easiest - way to take on organizing negatives is to do it the way the pros do and use negative storage pages. Negative storage pages are sized and punched to be stored in binders.
Dark Room Equipments
A darkroom is used to process photographic film, to make prints and to carry out other associated tasks. It is a room that can be made completely dark to allow the processing of the light-sensitive photographic materials, including film and photographic paper. These are some items to get your started on your dark room photography journey.
Washing(Wet) Equipments
All the equipments you need when doing washing for print processing in the darkroom. Trays are used to hold the developer, stop and fix when printing. There will also be a wash bath. You will be moving your paper from one tray to another through the developing process. They are designed to allow the chemicals to flow around the print while you gently agitate. These are simple, but vital when it comes to printing in the darkroom.